Bovine Calf Diarrhea Panel (≤7 days)

Test Schedule
Lab Lab section Days Turnaround
WADDL - Pullman Molecular Diagnostics Mon-Fri
Price: $170.00
The Bovine Calf Diarrhea Panel screens for common pathogens causing diarrhea in calves 1 week of age or younger.  Pathogens include the major bacterial pathogens, enterotoxigenic E. coli and Salmonella sp., viral pathogens including rotavirus and coronavirus, and the parasite Cryptosporidium.

If clostridial disease is suspected, suggested by severe hemorrhagic diarrhea, we recommend the addition of Clostridium perfringens culture and Clostridium perfringens toxin genotyping PCR.

As underlying factors predispose to the development of diarrhea in calves, screening for BVD using the Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) PCR and assessing the Trace Elements and Selenium status may be helpful.

Tests included in the panel:
  • Enteric aerobic culture
  • E. coli virulence genotyping PCR
  • Cryptosporidium-rotavirus-coronavirus multiplex PCR
Specimens Required
  • 10 gram feces
Sampling Requirements
For additional information on how to collect and submit a sample please visit our Submit a Sample page.
Collection Container
leak-proof container

Packing Instructions
Label all samples. Store refrigerated. Ship overnight on cold packs in an insulated container.

For additional information, please visit our Packing and Shipping page.
Special Instructions
Ordering Instructions
For online test ordering please visit our Submit a Sample page for additional information. To submit a specimen without submitting through our online portal please see our Forms page for fillable forms and further instruction.
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