Slides & Stains
A $10.00 accession fee is applied to each case regardless of numbers of tests or animals included in the case. The accession fee will also be applied if the case has gone through the accessioning process even if no testing occurs. To reduce the likelihood of this occurring, confirmation of sample type, assurance of sample quality and determination of appropriate testing is needed prior to submission.
Results found: 39
Name | Lab Section | Price |
Alcian Blue and PAS Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Alcian Blue Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Bielschowsky's Stain | Histopathology | $16.00 |
Brown-Hopps Gram Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
C. shasta, Acid Fast Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Churukian-Schenk Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Cresyl Echt Violet Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Deparafinization | Histopathology | $10.00 |
Digital Slide Scanning Fee | Histopathology | $6.00 |
Fite's Acid Fast Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Fontana-Masson Stain | Histopathology | $12.75 |
Frozen section | Histopathology | $25.00 |
Frozen Section/STAT histopathology | Histopathology | $150.00 |
Giemsa Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Gimenez Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Grocott's Stain | Histopathology | $12.50 |
H & E Stain | Histopathology | $8.00 |
Highman's Congo Red Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Luna Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Luxol Fast Blue Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Masson's Trichrome Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Melanin Bleach Stain | Histopathology | $17.00 |
Movat's Pentachrome Stain | Histopathology | $30.00 |
Myxobolus cerebralis, Acid Fast Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Periodic Acid-Methenamine Silver Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Periodic acid-Schiff Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Periodic acid-Schiff with Diastase Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Perl's Prussian blue for iron Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
PTAH Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Research tissue trimming histopathology | Histopathology | $7.50 |
Reticulin Stain | Histopathology | $20.00 |
Rhodanine for Copper Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Tissue process & paraffin embedding histopathology | Histopathology | $6.50 |
Tissue processing histopathology | Histopathology | $6.00 |
Toluidine Blue Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Unstained paraffin section | Histopathology | $11.00 |
Verhoff Van Gieson Stain | Histopathology | $12.00 |
Von Kossa Stain | Histopathology | $15.00 |
Warthin Starry spirochetes Stain | Histopathology | $15.00 |